Hyperlocal e-commerce platform launched

TawseelOnline and Catseye Systems and Solutions Pvt Ltd have come together to launch a unique hyperlocal e-commerce and logistics ecosystem for the Sultanate and the whole of GCC region.
This is the result of a joint venture between Overseas Treasures LLC, Muscat, and Mumbai-based Catseye Systems and Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Alok Kumar, Chief Technology Officer, OT-Oman, told the Observer that the venture would herald a supply chain revolution in the Sultanate as it is a multi-lingual round-the-clock hyper-local platform for e-commerce and logistics, bringing its customers all they need to their doorstep.
Launched recently in April 2020, the platform aims to serve the local businesses by generating jobs and providing opportunities to sell their products and services online and reach out to a larger audience.
Retailers, logistics companies, suppliers and manufacturers would be the primary stakeholders who would greatly benefit from this platform.
The hyperlocal e-commerce platform consists of two responsive and progressive mobile/web applications namely TawseelOnline and TawseelOnline Store.
TawseelOnline is the customer-facing application with which customers can place the orders from their local and favourite stores.
TawseelOnline Store is for the local businesses selling on the platform to quickly view and process their orders.
Said al Harthi, Chairman, OT-Oman, says TawseelOnline Logistics is the logistics aggregator platform with which they provide courier management services in a C2C, B2C and B2B model to the subscribers all over the Sultanate.
“We are delivery aggregators and have been getting our delivery orders from individual customers, business customers and online stores, which we provide to our logistics and last mile delivery partners to fulfil,” he says.
Source: https://www.omanobserver.om/hyperlocal-e-commerce-platform-launched/