Sharakah to be part of national innovation system

Dr Rahma al Mahrouqiyah, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, held a meeting with Sharakah [Fund for Development of Youth Projects] to discuss the latter’s role in the National Innovation Ecosystem. Also present were Dr Saif al Haddabi, Under-Secretary for Research and Innovation in the Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation and other officials.
The ministry showed great interest in collaborating with Sharakah to boost the support provided for startups and SMEs in the innovation sector, notably by helping them develop their creative ideas into prototypes and converting them into viable businesses.
“The initiative focuses on Innovation and Technology, which is need of the hour and helps us to shift the economy to knowledge-based and develop modern technologies by providing the necessary guidance, infrastructure and financial support for innovators and inventors, from as early as ideation stage, prototype creation, and commercialization,” said Sharakah in a press statement.
Dr Al Mahrouqiyah affirmed that the National System for Innovation in the Sultanate is an essential and comprehensive system established to achieve the goals of Oman’s Vision 2040, which focuses on many aspects, including supporting the role of innovators and researchers in Oman who will contribute in the national economy by providing innovative, non-traditional solutions to keep pace with the rapid development in the industrial revolution and technology, and that is done by educating individuals in their initial stages and providing them with the necessary technical skills Sharakah’s Strategy for 2021-2025 gives special thrust to innovation and technologies. Sharakah is also providing advisory support as well as training and educating on the importance and best practices for entrepreneurship targeting different age groups across Oman, as part of Sharakah’s initiatives to support the local community in cooperation with the SME ecosystem.
Source: https://www.omanobserver.om/sharakah-to-be-part-of-national-innovation-system/